Fable Data

Full website redesign for provider of real time, anonymised financial data. Fable Data won Best Alternative Data Provider 2021.
93Digital / Clarity
November 2022
Design Lead

Brand new look and feel

Fable Data wanted a complete redesign, transitioning to a new colour palette and type face.

Clearly defined as the brand archetype 'Sage', they wanted a clean, trust-worthy site with aspects of disruptive and bold to set them apart from competition.

Comprehensive resouces

Already owning an array of excellent resources to generate leads and improve SEO - an appealing and easy to navigate Insights Centre was critical for Fable Data.

Optimised for conversions

Throughout the site, offerings are strategically and clearly presented, complimented with social proof in the form of testimonials, statistics and case studies

The strategy of the whole site is around converting users, and the gated content on the right is a great example of webdesign which primes the user for take action.

User first

With a compelling and interesting design and helpful content right where you need it, this design is thoroughly focused on UX.

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